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Prof.  Gerard A.  Postiglione
The University of Hong Kong,  Hong Kong (China)

Title: Globalization and higher education in Asia: 2020-2030


In an increasingly interdependent world of technological acceleration, colleges and universities are pivotal to each country’s future. Institutions of higher education operate within a competitive global economy that is increasingly driven by innovation and entrepreneurship. Their success depends heavily on processes by which they ensure quality in how they employ their resources to anchor economic globalization and contribute to the well-being of their citizenry.  The global trends in higher education are unmistakable. The pursuit of quality has become more important in an era of mass higher education as households invest more in their children’s future. The focus on skills for employment has raised the status of higher technical and professional education. There are more universities of applied sciences and applied oriented polytechnic universities. Colleges and universities are cultivating new income streams from alumni, donors, and businesses to support resources that improve the quality of teaching and research. More countries launch excellence initiatives that focus resources on a selected number of top-tier universities and high potential fields. The STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields are increasing prioritized as liberal studies curriculum promotes soft skills that drive creativity and innovation. Partnership with industry provides more internships opportunities for students. More companies encourage their employers to upgrade their education. As more students graduate with a first degree, the demand for postgraduate education and professional doctorates has grown. More laws are enacted for the commercialization of research output by the academic research enterprise. In one way or another, all colleges and universities are immersed in five global trends: Internationalization, interdisciplinarity, innovation, impact, and inclusion. In 2020-2030, high-quality systems and institutions of higher education in Asia need to make more headway in three areas:  (1) shared governance; (2) performance-based funding; and (3) knowledge exchange.


Gerard A. Postiglione is Chair Professor, Coordinator of the Consortium for Research on Higher Education in Asia. He is former Associate Dean for Research, Head of the Division of Policy, Administration and Social Science in the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. 

He has published 16 books and over 150 articles and chapters.  He received the Humanities and Social Science Prestigious Fellow by the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong SAR. He received the Lifetime Contribution Award from the Comparative and International Education Society of America for studies in higher education. He was named as a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association for his contribution to research. 

He has been a consultant to the Asian Development Bank, Department for International Development (UK), Institute of International Education (US), International Development Research Center (CA), Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, World Bank, and other international agencies. His helped to compose policy reports for China’s National Reform and Development Commission, State Education Commission and Ministry of Education.  

He held sabbatical appointments at Yale University Council on East Asian Studies, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Columbia University Institute for East Asian Studies, Stanford University School of Education, Boston College’s Center for International Higher Education, and George Washington University Graduate School of Education and Human Development, also at the Chinese Academy of Social Science, Peking University and Shanghai Jiaotong University.

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